ErnART – Art Therapy and Support of Personal Creativity

Our personality is reflected in everything we do. However, if we create something, it can provide even ourselves with additional information on what is inside of us, and how we work. During art therapy and art coaching sessions with the methods of fine art like drawing, painting, claywork, montage, collage etc. you can experience the releasing power of creating while you can also meet your inner self and may find the answers to your big questions in life.

We complete thematical creations with classical coaching and other verbal techniques as well as with drawing anaylsis and tests. With these methods you can reach a deeper understanding of yourself and your life. At the same time, by inspiring your creativity in various ways, you can get new impetus to move out from your comfort zone, and make the first steps towards a happier life.


Individual or Group Creativity Supporting Sessions

If you feel like wandering in your world via creativity supporting sessions

  • you can get away from your everyday life,
  • playing with colours and shapes,
  • releasing your emotions, and
  • discovering your unknown side,
  • in case of group sessions you can become a member of a supporting group where you can relate to others and share your emotions while receiving empathy and emotional support from the group

Art therapy and creativity supporting sessions are built on free creation, that itself has a stress relieveing effect, helps to get away from everyday life, and find again our playful self.


Individual or Group Art Therapy Counseling Sessions

If besides supporting self expression and creativity, you wish to address issues with art therapy, thematical creating provides a unique opportunity to process the events of your life, your relationships and your problems in such a way that you can find new directions and can make the first steps towards change.

Topics that can be approched by methods of art therapy and creative tasks:

  • improving and supporting self expression via creative activities
  • reconnect with your inner child and your playful self
  • improving self awareness and self esteem
  • understanding and expressing emotions
  • understanding and changing recurring life events, destructive relationship and other patterns
  • understanding and resolving relationship issues
  • developing effective conflict handling strategies
  • managing stress and learning effective stress releasing methods
  • helping to cope with the challenges of life that living abroad brings
  • helping to move forward from difficult situations where you feel stuck
  • helping foreigners fitting in Hungary by understanding Hungarian customs and way of living providing a friendly and supportive environment to share emotions and experiences

At the sessions, that may last 1,5 or 2 hours you may relax and recharge in a supporting environment, and find the key to your questions in life.