How can I prepare self-made materials for my art therapy creations?

There are numerous recipes and videos available online and offline that helps you create your own paints and plasticines, if you don’t want to buy them, but you’re interested in trying new materials.
Here are a few examples, you can start with.
You can prepare an easy water based paint with the help of this recipe:
But you can prepare a paint even from pudding and food colourings:
And finally a great salt-flour plasticine recipe:
20 decagram flour
20 decagram salt
125 ml water
2-3 teaspoon oil
Put the ingerdients in a big bowl, and mix them thoroughly. Your plasticine is ready! J
If you wish your creation be long lasting, dry it in a warm owen for 30-40 min. at 100-110 ˙C. When you’re ready you can even apply transparent lacquer on it!
Try the recipes and register in the next online art therapy group or individual art coaching, where you can prepare your creations with your own paints and plasticines!
In relation to the registration and other details, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
Dr. Erna Adamkó
integrated art therpaist
mental health and organization development counselor