14 Days Creative Challenge and Other Offer for the period of the Quarantine

As a professional mental health counsellor and art therapist I have been thinking about a lot how I could offer help to those that feel despaired or have difficulties with coping with the stress and the solitude of the (voluntary) quarantine and of the separation from the loved ones in the present situation caused by the spread of the coronavirus.
Two possibilities came to my mind, that I will realize from Monday.
Since I have been dealing with art therapy I got acquainted with a lot of creative people whom joined creation helped find their emotional balance again and flourish their hidden capacities. At the same time I heard often that during the hurry of everyday life they don’t have the time for drawing or painting, although they have a deep desire to do so.
For this reason it came to my mind that we could use the opportunities of the long hours at home in these difficult days to recharge ourselves and support each other with joint creating.
Creating sets us free, helps forget the difficulties of our situation and feel the joy of life, that we all really need.
In order to support this I advertise a 14 Day Creative Challenge starting tomorrow.
- I create a Facebook event in the group ErnArt – Coaching and Counseling in English, where I upload every morning at 09:00 a.m. a topic for the day, in relation to which we will make creations.
- You can use any technique, tool and material, you can draw, paint, use clay or create a montage, collage or an installation, it may contain only of a few lines or it can be a real masterpeace, but the only task is to make a creation in relation to the topic and upload its photo under the event with or without a comment.
- Gather inspiration from the others’ photo, and support them with your comments!
- Continue making creations for two weeks and feel the energy deriving from your art and the unity with others!
- If you can join later or have to leave out a day or two, don’t worry you, can make it up afterwards!
Besides the above I also help individuals who feel the need of talking to a professional in the framework of mental health counselling and life coaching sessions. due to the present situation I decided to offer for 50% of the regular fee a limited number of online helping conversation and life–coaching sessions. The fee of these sessions: 20 EUR / 50 min.
If you feel that it could help to talk to a professional, please contact me in e-mail:
Dr. Erna Adamko
mental health and organization development counselor
art therapist
Please note that mental health counseling and life coaching does not substitute psichoteraphy. If you have a diagnosed disorder or for any other reason you need the assistance of a psychologist or a psychiatrist, please consult such professonals.